Semo Cup Qualifier #1



Points for Qualifying are as follows:

1st Place  - 150 points

2nd Place - 125

3rd Place - 100

4th Place - 90

5th Place - 80

6th Place - 70

7th Place - 60

8th Place - 50

9th Place - 40

10th Place - 30

11th Place - 20

12th Place - 10

All ties will split the points for those places.


Wins in the Club Championship Match Play will result in 50 points for 1st round and 25 every round after that.  25 for the qualifying round in April

Points for the 2-Day Stroke Play Tournament will be Doubled based off the 2-Day total score.

The Semo Cup Team will consist of the Match Play Champion, The Stroke Play Champion, 9 Qualifying Spots and the Golf