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LGA Club Championship
Sept 16/17

The Ladies Golf Association will have their year end club championship on the 16th and 17th of the month.  Good luck the everyone.

Final Semo Cup Qualifier (Team will be set)
Sept 21st

Our team for Semo Cup will be finalized on the 21st. First Tee Time will be 11:30. Sign up information will be sent out the week of.

Men's 1-Man Scramble and Calcutta
Sept 28/29 11am start time both days

Our 1-Man Scramble and Calcutta will be held on the 28th and 29th.  Sign up through Golf Genius or contact the golf shop. $60 entry fee for the weekend.


Ducks Unlimited Tournament
Sept 30th

This will be our first year hosting the event.  Flyer information is available on the website.