First things first...NEXT WEEK LEAGUE PLAY WILL BE ON THURSDAY, JULY 31ST. The course work around the greens will be done Tuesday & Wednesday and several holes will be closed at various times, so we are moving our play to Thursday.
We had a shortened day due to several teams getting rained out (along with lightning), but good scores were posted. Here are the winners:
Low Gross: Ron Underwood, 70
Low Net: tie: Bill Priday, 67 Jim Turner, 67
Low Putts: Tom Fraser
Closest to the Pin:
#4 Jim Largent
#6 Ben Hesselrode
#9 Tony LeGrand
#10 Jack Lopp
#13 Gene Jones
Congratulations to all.
Next week's game will be regular league play again. Cheeseburger on August 6th.