April 11th '18

The League is off to a good start with 42 members as of 4/11/18.


We are playing catch up this week so here are the results from last Wednesday, April 11th round.  Last week the back 9 was closed, and players actually played the front 9 twice, so we had to do some finessing with the scoring program to get scores recorded.  Here are the results:


Low Net:  Jim Schwaninger, 63                                       $10.00
Low Gross:  Ron Underwood, 67                                    $10.00
Low Putts:  Tie:  Allen Small & Mike Jensen, 27             $ 5.00 Each


Closest to the Pins:


#6  Paul Markland                                         $ 5.00
#9  Bennie Ray, Closest @ 10' 4"                 $10.00
#13 Steve Huffstutler                                     $ 5.00


The other par 3's were duplicate wins by Underwood who won Low Gross.